Tag: Natural Disasters and Weather
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Animals and Livestock Attacks Disease Fire Household Hurricanes and Floods Insects and Plants Natural Disasters and Weather Resources for Youth Water Quality
Severe Weather 101: Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorms
Learn all about thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, lightning, floods, damaging winds and more.
Preparing for Winter Storms
In many parts of Texas, severe winter weather can threaten your safety and the safety of your property. Blizzards, heavy snow, freezing rain, ice, and freezing temperatures occasionally cause havoc in parts of Texas.
Categories: Hot Topics
Solar Eclipse Preparedness for Texans
A total solar eclipse will cross North America on April 8. The event will attract thousands of sky watchers to Texas as the moon covers up all or most of the sun. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s Disaster Assessment and Recovery unit, in alignment with other state emergency preparedness officials urge individuals to be…
Categories: Hot Topics
Fires & Wildfires
Wildfires affect America’s farms and ranches, damaging and destroying homes, barns, agriculture production facilities, crops and livestock. Much of this damage can be avoided, or at least minimized, if a few precautions are taken to minimize the risk and spread of wildfires.
Disaster Preparedness for Businesses
Every business should have an emergency plan. It can save lives, company assets, and your entire business. Emergency Preparedness for BusinessSmall Business Administration Ready BusinessDepartment of Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness for BusinessThe Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Preparing Your Business for the UnthinkableThe American Red Cross Ready Business Resources to Prepare a Disaster Business…
Categories: Disaster Preparedness
Reconditioning Machinery & Equipment
Farm tractors and other machinery are critical to the livelihood and productivity of the farm. Failure to protect them from natural disasters, such as floods, can put an agriculture producer out of business. If at all possible, move all tractors and implements out of flood-prone areas before it’s too late. However, if circumstances prevent their…
Severe Weather and Crops
There are belts of hail damage to agricultural crops almost every year in Texas. The decision to replant, to accept the damage, or to salvage crops does not have to be made the same day as the event. Usually a few days of evaluation results in the best options being identified. If no alternative crop…
Texans, Get Ready!
You can help protect yourself and your household during and immediately after a catastrophe by making a disaster plan and a disaster kit. You and all members of your household need to be able to take care of yourselves without outside help for at least 3 days. Special considerations include keeping food safe to eat,…
Categories: Disaster Preparedness
Are tornado watches or warnings worse? Did you know that tornadoes are most likely to occur in the spring and summer months during the hours of 3pm – 9pm? Learn more about tornadoes and prepare now (external link) Additional Resources:
Categories: Disaster Preparedness