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Severe Weather 101: Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorms
Learn all about thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, lightning, floods, damaging winds and more.
Fires & Wildfires
Wildfires affect America’s farms and ranches, damaging and destroying homes, barns, agriculture production facilities, crops and livestock. Much of this damage can be avoided, or at least minimized, if a few precautions are taken to minimize the risk and spread of wildfires.
Preparing for Winter Storms
In many parts of Texas, severe winter weather can threaten your safety and the safety of your property. Blizzards, heavy snow, freezing rain, ice, and freezing temperatures occasionally cause havoc in parts of Texas.
Texas Flu Season Resources & Updates
Help spread the word, not the flu, with downloadable fliers, stickers, and door hangers.
After the Flood: Emotional Distress and How to Manage It
Overwhelmed! I recently had the opportunity to be in Houston after the flood and that is the first word that comes to mind as I reflect on the experience. I can only imagine what those living through this process of recovery must feel. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster.…
Controlling Mold Growth After the Storm
If you have extensive damage and mold growth, the best practice is to hire a reputable firm that is licensed and trained in dealing with water damage and mold remediation.
Hiring a Qualified Contractor for Mold Remediation
“Hurricanes, floods and extended disaster evacuations can result in extensive mold growth in many homes at the same time – creating a cleanup crisis. Everyone with a water-damaged home faces similar challenges, since mold must be remediated before repairs can begin. This process can be hazardous because of potential health effects of exposure to mold,…