Tag: Attacks

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  • Cyber-terrorism

    Information technology, through the use of computers, has changed the way we conduct business and communicate with others. If the security of this network is compromised, services could be interrupted. Such services include, but are not limited to, telecommunications, energy, finance, manufacturing, water, transportation, health care and emergency response. The following websites provide more information…


  • Chemical Incident

    A chemical attack is the deliberate release of a toxic gas, liquid or solid that can poison people and the environment. This kind of an attack can come without warning since some chemical agents are odorless and tasteless. The following websites will provide more information on chemical attacks as well as protective measures.


  • Suspicious Mail

    Since September 11, 2001 there have been several acts of terrorism carried out through the mail. The United States Postal Service along with other agencies has taken every possible measure to assure the safety of all Americans. The following websites will provide information on how to identify and handle suspicious mail.


  • Nuclear & Radiological Incidents & Attacks

    Both nuclear and radiological incidents and attacks can occur in the form of a blast. A nuclear blast is characterized by intense light and heat, a damaging pressure wave, and widespread radioactive material. A radiological attack, also known as a “dirty nuke” or dirty bomb”, is designed to disburse a dangerous and sub-lethal amount of…


  • Bombs & Other Explosive Devices

    Terrorists do not have to look very far to find information on how to construct explosive devices as there are many resources readily available in books and on the Internet. Therefore, these devices have become their preferred weapon of choice. The following websites will provide information on disaster preparedness and safety related to explosions.
