After a flood…
- Do NOT eat any food that has come into contact with flood waters.
- Discard any food that is not in waterproof containers.
- Discard cardboard juice, milk, baby formula boxes and home canned foods if they have come into contact with flood waters.
- Inspect canned foods; discard any food in damaged cans. See FDA’s “How To Save Undamaged Food Packages Exposed to Flood Water” and CDC’s Cleaning and Sanitizing with Bleach after an Emergency for safe and effective procedures.
- Discard wooden cutting boards, plastic utensils, baby bottle nipples, and pacifiers that may have come into contact with flood waters.
- Note: If your refrigerator or freezer was submerged by flood waters – even partially, it is unsafe to use and must be discarded.
Source: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Dinner Tonight. September 1, 2017, http://dinnertonight.tamu.edu/after-a-flood-discard/