Hurricane season begins June 1, but don’t wait until then to prepare for a disaster. If you live in a hurricane evacuation zone and have special needs, plan ahead of time.
If you cannot drive or make acceptable transportation arrangements, dial 2-1-1 to register for transportation assistance. The transportation registry offered through 2-1-1 will ensure that you receive a ride if ordered to evacuate by local officials.
Checklist for Those with Special Needs
Whether it’s on public transportation or with a private group, the following checklist includes items that you may need if evacuating. This list should be adjusted to meet the needs of your special situation.
- Medical equipment and assistive devices: glasses, hearing aid, catheters, augmentative and alternative communication devices, cane, wheelchair, scooter, walker, dressing aids, oxygen, tubing, feeding supplies, etc. Label each item with your name/contact information, and have extra batteries on hand.
- List of model numbers or serial numbers of medical devices and equipment
- Medical alert tags or bracelets and a written description of your disability-related or health care conditions
- Medication and copies of all prescriptions, including a list of the prescription name, dosage, frequency, doctor, and pharmacist. Also consider if medications need to be refrigerated; if so, bring a cooler with an ice pack or other coolant system.
- Hygiene supplies, including personal grooming items such as: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, towel, washcloth, comb, brush, absorbent pads, urinal, etc.
- Phone numbers and names of your physicians or other health care providers, health insurance information, emergency contact information including your support network members
- Supplies for a service animal including food, identification tags, proof of up-to-date vaccinations, and veterinarian contact information
Recommended Checklist for All Evacuees
These items will be useful during any type of emergency you face. Keep these items in a container that is easy to transport, such as a backpack or a small suitcase with wheels.
- 3-day supply of non-perishable food, one gallon of bottled water per person per day
- First-aid kit
- Important documents and records, photo IDs, proof of residence, information you may need to process insurance claims
- Extra keys
- Cash (power outages mean banks and ATMs may be unavailable)
- Battery-operated radio and flashlight with extra batteries
- Road maps, a travel plan, hotel reservations, list of places between your town and your destination where you can stop if the highways are congested
- Coolers for food and ice storage, paper plates, plastic utensils, paper towels, trash bags
- Manual can opener, knife, tools, jumper cables, fire extinguisher, duct tape, tarp, rope
- Blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, and extra clothing
Download, save or print this resource before a disaster happens!
Emergency Supplies Checklist for Texans with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs
Materials adapted for use in Texas by Lisa Norman, Extension Assistant Emergency Preparedness, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. June 2007. Original content developed by Texas Governor’s Division of Emergency Management.
Updated by Josefa Pena, Extension Program Specialist, September 2013.