Category: Community Risk Assessment

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Animals and Livestock Attacks Disease Fire Household Hurricanes and Floods Insects and Plants Natural Disasters and Weather Resources for Youth Water Quality


  • Controlling Blow Flies

    Blow flies (Fig. 1) are non-biting flies found throughout the world. They feed and lay their eggs mostly on decomposing animal remains. Because of this, they often come in contact with human and animal pathogens. So it is important to suppress blow fly populations to reduce the risk of spreading disease. DESCRIPTION Blow flies are…


  • Insects

    Featured Cattle Fever Ticks Mosquito Control to stop the spread of diseases like Zika Urban Insects Urban insects include pests in buildings, yards, gardens and threats to human health. Collected publications: Urban Insect Websites: Agricultural Insects Livestock and Veterinary Insects Tree Crops Insect Identification Services


  • Controlling Houseflies

    The housefly, Musca domestica , is found worldwide and lives in close proximity to humans. Because houseflies can carry many diseases of humans and domestic animals, it is important to keep their populations low. Understanding their habits and life cycle can help you eliminate the most flies at the lowest cost to you and the environment. Description…

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