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Severe Weather 101: Tornadoes, Severe Thunderstorms
Learn all about thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, lightning, floods, damaging winds and more.
Fires & Wildfires
Wildfires affect America’s farms and ranches, damaging and destroying homes, barns, agriculture production facilities, crops and livestock. Much of this damage can be avoided, or at least minimized, if a few precautions are taken to minimize the risk and spread of wildfires.
Preparing for Winter Storms
In many parts of Texas, severe winter weather can threaten your safety and the safety of your property. Blizzards, heavy snow, freezing rain, ice, and freezing temperatures occasionally cause havoc in parts of Texas.
Texas Flu Season Resources & Updates
Help spread the word, not the flu, with downloadable fliers, stickers, and door hangers.
Handling Food and Drinks Without Power
Resources to help you understand how long frozen and refrigerated food stays safe after the power goes out.
Horse Care After a Flood
An outline of steps to be taken to ensure the safety of horses in pastures following heavy rainfall events.
Equine Disease Prevention
Understand how diseases are transmitted and how horses can be protected by establishing a core and risk-based vaccination program.